Kemény kötés, 496 oldal, 175 színes kép, 3 rajz.
For the enthusiastic amateur or experienced rhododendron grower, this landmark reference provides the keys to the accurate identification of the nearly 300 rhododendron species widely in cultivation. An extensive introduction places the work in context as it examines the history of Rhododendron classification and gives a full survey of plant structures throughout the many species. Species are listed in systematic order, so that similar species occur close to each other in the text. These are fully described, including complete citations of previous references and notes on the occurrence of wild-origin specimens in cultivation. Beautiful photographs include close-up shots of flower and leaf, microscope images of leaf surfaces, and easy-to-use diagnostic keys, making this the indisputable volume for plant identification. A milestone in the identification of rhododendrons, this will become an essential reference for botanists, nurserymen, and enthusiasts.